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售價:360 |
詳細資料ISBN:9789620734328 規格:平裝 / 210頁 / 15 X 21 CM / 普通級/ 單色印刷 / 初版 出版地:香港 內容簡介 此書由前美國奧運隊田徑選手JEFF GALLOWAY及足療專家DAVID HANNAFORD醫生合著,香港人喜歡跑步,但跑步受傷卻是常常遇到的問題,而當不慎受傷卻沒有適當地處理,則會令傷患惡化甚至需停止訓練或造成更嚴重的問題。 此書詳述了跑步者最常見的腿部創傷,並指出成因、療法、注意事項及何時該停止訓練等事項。本書將內容分成六大容易受傷部份,包括腳及腳趾、腳踭、小腿、膝蓋、大腿及臀部,以及背部。每一部分再細分成不同的創傷及處理方法,最後一章則為預防方法。 |
搜尋參考資料: 1. www.jeffgalloway.com About Jeff. Over a million runners and walkers have read Galloway books, attended his retreats/running schools, received E-coaching or individual consultation or ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeff_Galloway Jeff Galloway (born July 12, 1945 in Raleigh, North Carolina) is an American Olympian and the author of Galloway's Book on Running. A lifetime runner, Galloway was an ... running.net/read_new/beecause-charms-partner-jeff-galloway-race... BeeCause Charms, a company that specializes in charms for running shoes, has partnered up with Jeff Galloway productions to become the presenting sponsor for … www.meetup.com/Jeff-Galloway-Marathon-Training-Program-Newport... The Newport Galloway Marathon and Half Marathon Training Program is open to anyone who is interested in running a marathon or half marathon - whether you are looking ... jeffgalloway.typepad.com/jeff_galloways_blog/2015/05/short-uphill... The 1980 Houston-Tenneco course had several significant rolling sections, and this worried me. I had strained my hamstring eight weeks before the race and had to lay ... Jeff Galloway 跑步創傷治療手冊 |
資料來源:博客來 |